I’m busy getting ready for my upcoming trip and also my business school applications so I’ll have to keep this short.
My passive income for November was $1,679.88. As expected it was slightly lower than last month. But some of the shortfall was made up by the purchase of some dividend generating stock in AAV and HTE in October. I also received a special 30% payout from the Korea fund, but I’m not counting that. I’m just counting the regular $13.00 dividend that it paid out.
Here’s a basic break down:
- Dividends/Interest: $611.01
- 2nd Trust Deeds/Direct Oil programs: $424.62
- Online income: $646.25
My online income also includes the $50 I received from Prosper.com referrals (sign up and get $25 free with a $50 deposit). It doesn’t include the interest I get from my Prosper loans but thats over $50 a month.
Adsense earning were up this month 36% to $262.50. I’m sure if I tweak the ad placement a little bit I can boost these earnings.
How was your passive income?