At periodic intervals, I post my passive income revenue and other articles about creating passive income. One method I’ve heard about was creating articles on If you have decent writing skills but no technical expertise it offers a way for you to make some online income.
I was able to ask the CEO of and, Paul Edmonson some questions about his entrepreneurial experience and passive income.
How did you begin in online marketing?
I started in online marketing back in 1999 when I first started working on the search engine optimization strategy for MongoMusic. Since then I’ve started numerous sites that range from lead generation to niche content, been an SEO consultant and am now the CEO of and YieldBuild. Both technologies are geared toward helping publishers optimize their online ad revenues.
I have made a few hundred hubs personally, but there are over 367,000 Hubs published now and more getting added every day.
HubPages revenue is driven by the YieldBuild ad optimization service that come primarily from optimizing AdSense, and Microsoft PubCenter through our service.
I think the biggest challenge of online businesses is getting to scale. It generally takes time and several iterations to get a product or service fit to the market. Generally, you won’t know how good a business will be until the product is fit to the market. I think this process is the most difficult for every web based business I’ve bee apart of.
It starts with quality. You have to make a quality product or service. This take time and lots of hard work. And. You have to continue to improve and iterate. If you are starting out online, I’d suggest make something extraordinary well, and keep iterating until it gets fit to the market.
Personally my wife and I have Hubs and a few sites that make about $2K-$3K per month, but our YieldBuild business will gross over $3 Million this year and is growing quite quickly.
Yes, people should check out if they are interested in starting with earning revenue online by creating and sharing content. Make high quality Hubs and overtime, you will start to generate revenue. For people that have sites, they should take a look at and try our ad optimization services.
While he mentions that he makes $2-3k from his hubs, he didn’t tell you that he has nearly 250 hubs. This must have taken serious effort. Creating online income, passive income or any sort of income for that matter isn’t easy. Its takes time and effort. Many people give up before they even get started. If you expecting to see quick results, you will likely be disappointed.
What online revenue streams do you have? What has or hasn’t worked for you?