Carnvial of Dividends & Passive Income #2

Welcome to the 2nd edition of the Carnival of Dividends and Passive Income. This time I’ve marked my favorite entries with little gold stars.

Passive Income

As usual, there are hardly any topics on Passive income, so here’s one of my own on using Domain Names To Create Passive Income.

Dividends 4 Life presents 7 Important Reasons for Dividend Investing.


Eric presents Growing Money posted at Make Money Blog, saying, “Tips on making money, avoiding scams, growing money, and overcoming poverty.”

Trevor McKay presents Does Anniuty Fraud Exist? posted at The Annuity Professor.


Here’s my submission discussing whether you should Invest In Green Energy.

The Dividend Guy presents Considering REITs In a Dividend Portfolio posted at The Dividend Guy Blog, saying, “I have recently added US REITs to my dividend portfolio. I think it is crucial to have this as part of a well-rounded diversified portfolio.”

Investing Angel presents Studying The Stock Market Trends During Recession » Free Stock Market Investing Tips posted at Stock Tips.

Taylor Darden presents The New Realestate posted at, saying, “Daily Investing idea”

Investing Angel presents Some Thoughts On Google (GOOG) » Free Stock Market Investing Tips posted at Stock Tips, saying, “A few thoughts about the google stock”

Investing Angel presents Why Most Investors Buy High And Sell Low » Free Stock Market Investing Tips posted at Stock Tips, saying, “Most investors buy stocks when they are overvalued since they give into herd mentality.”

Online Income

James DeLelys presents WORDSBlog » MONEY ONLINE posted at Author James DeLelys, saying, “How to become an Affiliate”.


Terry Dean presents 5 Keys to Successful Internet Business posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean.

Mandy Trapper presents Low Cost Options Are Available For The Forex Beginner posted at Forex Trading System Secrets.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of dividends and passive income using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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