I’ve been lending money on Prosper.com for nearly a year now. I’ve been getting a pretty decent rate of return, despite having had a couple of borrowers default.
I’ve also made over $200 from referrals fees! Whenever anyone signs up using the referral link and funds atleast $50, we both get $25. If a borrower signs up, I get $125.
And to add to that, Prosper is now a paid advertiser on my blog. Not only are they offering referrals rewards, but they’re also paying me to put their link up!
I guess they’ve had such success with the program that they can afford to be extremely generous. If you have a blog you can start making extra money by doing just 3 very simple things:
- Sign up using this referral link.
- Fund your account with $50 and lend it out. (ok, you don’t need to do this, but considering you get $25 almost immediately, where else are you going to get a 50% return on your money?)
- Email me at livingoffdividends$$gmail.com (replace the $$ with @) with “prosper referral advertiser” in the subject field, and I’ll put you touch with the rep at Prosper.com
Not only will you get a check from Prosper for advertising, but you’ll still get the referral rewards too!
If you don’t have a blog, you can do steps 1 and 2 and get a referral link or an image button from Prosper.com which you can put in your email signature to generate some extra money.